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[FSX] Orbx FTX - US Canada Southern Alaska
Games > PC
3.67 GB


May 26, 2013


Orbx FTX - Canada Southern Alaska


I found on the internet, but still could not test it.


With the update included.


If You Liked It, Buy It, Do Not Forget To Buy It, HELP DEVELOPERS.



There is no update to Alaska. I copied from the another torrent and I forgot to erase.
I forgot also to tell you, this version is Cracked.

Test it and report for me if it will work.
cool thank enoixz
This works. Testing and so far so good. If you have Ultimate Terrain X Alaska, you will need to tweak some .bgl files around the same areas and airports which both cover. I'm disabling them in UTX. Unfortunately, I can't access the manual. Either it got corrupted in the download or it wasn't in it.
@ enoixz

Pls delete this torrent asap..
Kindly shut the hell up. What you do with your own torrents is your deal, no need to go around telling other people what to do with their torrents.
@ xnolunchx

you illiterate SON OF A BITCH...

you dont have to tell me wot i have to do or not to....wot have you done for TPB you bloody leecher...
bcoz of people like you we wont get ftx go take your peanut up ur ass...
kingashi: you seemed very dedicated to the cause of free speech until this sudden change of posture. Maybe nothing changed and you were sharing here for personal gain all along. Regardless, you have no authority in this torrent. Authority comes from authorship, even if this particular hash came through your computer, you had zero part in authoring it. Neither, by the way, did the party you seem to be catering to, but that's another matter.You are a piece of the chain, maybe, definitely history; you're like some guy who screamed at a rock concert and now takes offense at the DJ for playing it on the radio. Show some dignity, you're embarrassing yourself.

And enioxz gets the prize for being quick to leech and then re-share. Thanks, I was too slow.
You mean we won't get FTX Global from YOUR source. Frikking Komu's that break software then SELL it back, that has got to be the LAMEST. Let your sell-warez hax0rs die of neglect. I care not for them or their smelly warez.
@ aarque

why always a big speech from your big mouth...???

i deleted my torrent bcoz i wanted to wait till the release of FTX-GLOBAL. But now ORBX might change the protection method on their products after seeing these latest cracked torrents..

Somewhere somebody's hard work might get wasted bcoz of this torrent..nuff said..
Ironically enough, you call me illiterate and yet you can't spell "because" or "what".
Eat a dick.
Sorry you feel the way you do kingashi, but aarque is spot on with his rock concert analogy. I don't see it as a competition here, but rather being about sharing files. Even if ORBX comes up with another way to protect FTX Global, I'm positive there's someone out there smart enough to crack it and my even be you kingashi. Since FTX-G is so close to release I doubt they'll change their current protection method, but even if they do it will end up as a torrent available somewhere and I would love to see it here.

Enoixz was just piggybacking where you left off since you felt the heat was coming your way, but once again aarque is correct talking about the authority involving this torrent and Wales. Let's seed this puppy!
@kingashi - Seriously? You tell the OP to take down a torrent, and he responds with, more or less, a polite fuck off for telling him what to do and asks you to stop doing so.

The kicker is that you then take offense to his telling YOU what to do?

What kinda alternate H4x0rverse do you come from? While I appreciate your total of 12 torrents contributed to TPB (not counting the 4 you've requested be removed), you've been acting as nothing more than a convenient conduit for their distro from other sources to TPB -- NOT as a rep for a 0day crack group or distro site.

So in terms of any "authority" you thought that you might have arising from supposed warez-cred, you've got exactly the same amount as most of the rest of us poor folks using TPB as their primary channel (meself included) have - none.
ORBX will not change their protection. Think. For years they had virtually no protection, because they understood they lost little to piracy, people either purchase or pirate and the two don't mix.
Somebody like Norton, Avast or McAfee has a great deal to gain from piracy, because they SELL security, similar to what ORBX recently purchased. It is an experiment for them, clearly. Will it increase the bottom line? Does it cost too much? Will it increase customer complaints or confidence? All these questions against security that probably isn't cheap and - oh look - they've already cracked it over there at TPB; so much for that idea. I bet ORBX wants their money back from Flight1 or whoever "protected" them.

Anyway, enough spamming on the comments of enoixz' excellent torrent. I will not post on the kingashi subject again here.
@ Mutton

you telling me to fuck off...fine but atleast i try to help the community by uploading stuff...

Snakeye was right about dumb fucks like you..who dont care for anyone but take that piss to someone else of your level..
@ aarque

Do not delete this torrent. u dont have to care about these morons that come up only to talk shit.
Great job guys. by going down on him very harshly, you just lost a contributor.
I doubt he will ever post stuff here for you guys anymore after what he went through in this post.

you guys just shot yourselves in the leg, good job.
Oh no, we lost someone who just posts stuff that's already been uploaded somewhere else.
Nothing of value was lost.
You must admit kingashi that its a little weird that you yourself posted these torrents just a few days ago then removed them after we'd all spent two days and over two gigabytes of data trying to download them off you and no-one said a bad word to you over you deciding to remove them. then your here telling others that they should remove their contributions. doesn't that strike you as strange behaviour? When i read you asking to have the wales torrent removed i laughed as i thought you were joking. I am totally amazed to see that you are serious. There's nowt as queer as folk that's for sure.
Oh yes and i forgot thanks for this torrent enoixz the wales one works perfectly.And your now welcomed to shag my sister anytime you want.
@everyone- Pretty good arguments from all sides. But the people are right! It was out earlier on other sites as I see the dates posted were well before kingashi posted his. I know he requested his be removed, and someone else stepped in and posted theirs. There is no harm in that and I cannot see this for a cause of argument. Its kind of like the old phrase " You snooze: you lose" kingashi took his down by his own request! The only thing that really got me was why he made up the excuse and told people that TPB asked him to remove it for copyright infringements. That was a lie in itself and not a good one at all. So, yeah I was a little disappointed when he wrote that, because everyone knows TPB would not do that. You personally have to request it be removed. Had he said that in his other post that he is going to remove it for the reason he gave above about waiting for FTXGlobal might have put some at ease. But the end story is, he did in fact request his be removed. I personally do not think it had to do with waiting for FTXGlobal to surface, but who am I to argue that. I do think the whole comment thread with that bullshit made up character John-VenT and Blue sky had a lot to do with it... lmao.. .sorry it is funny and not at the same time. I tried to tell you all that they are one in the same individuals making threats so you remove the torrent and that they were from boerse and did not like the fact that he posted it up here. Again it is all said and done with and I feel anyone can post up here if they like. This is what the TPB is all about. Right or Wrong? A lot of times when people post stuff up here it is usually for self gain, but you get those who post up here to actually share because they want to. But whats done is done and we move on. As for Orbx or the real name, their protection has been weak and I cannot seem that going deep into building a hardcore protection system. If so, someone will figure it out.
@kingashi - Rather than the OP whom you accused, it appears that you're the illiterate one. I didn't tell you to fuck off. In fact, I stated that I appreciated the effort that you went through in posting some torrents over the past few months. I also pointed out that this doesn't give you any power or authority to ask that someone else remove their torrent.

You were asked multiple times in your since-removed torrents to explain why you felt it necessary to delete them. Your response was that there was some "serious legal shit" going on.

"serious legal shit" != "I've been convinced by others that posting these will jeopardize the timely cracking of the TBD release of FTX World"

In any case, once it's on the Interwebz, it's like, um, on the Interwebz. The product had been released, cracked and was available through a variety of channels. Trying to stem that tide is an impossible task.

@_SnakEye - Yeah, I'm totally harsh, dude. Drove that guy right off the Internet. *rolls eyes*
FTXGlobal, even. *smacks forehead*
@kingashi - Rather than the OP whom you accused, it appears that you're the illiterate one. I didn't tell you to fuck off. In fact, I stated that I appreciated the effort that you went through in posting some torrents over the past few months. I also pointed out that this doesn't give you any power or authority to ask that someone else remove their torrent.

You were asked multiple times in your since-removed torrents to explain why you felt it necessary to delete them. Your response was that there was some "serious legal shit" going on.

"serious legal shit" != "I've been convinced by others that posting these will jeopardize the timely cracking of the TBD release of FTXGlobal"

In any case, once it's on the Interwebz, it's like, um, on the Interwebz. The product had been released, cracked and was available through a variety of channels. Trying to stem that tide is an impossible task.

@_SnakEye - Yeah, I'm totally harsh, dude. Drove that guy right off the Internet. *rolls eyes*
Weird. Sorry about the double-post.
Thanks enoixz!!
wouldn't it be great if we had a chat room in here then we could all bitch at one another in real time. I spend more time in here reading the comments than i do flying over the feckin scenery! lol
@jaggy1963- LOL. No one should really be bitching at all. kingashi made his choice to delete his for what ever reason he had and enoixz posted his. I had my old account which someone was nice enough to report my upload and then when TPB closed down my other account, someone managed to get my torrent and post it on their page. I was a little angry that they did not give me credit for it, but at least they got it out and that is all that matters. I guess I wasn't seeding fast enough and someone reported my torrent as fake and next thing I know it, I had no access to my account, Hence my new one here. But the fact of the matter is this: It does not matter where, how, who you get it from.... Share it! If they give credit to the person they got it from, then that is awesome. If not, then that is okay too; as long as it gets out. Now I just help seed for people.
Seed plz!!
Cripes. maddog, TPB does not disable accounts as punishment for fake torrents. TPB has a VERY open policy and a user has to go to great lengths to violate it. Everyone should join the forums and become familiar with the system and admins. They're actually people, like us.
Go here:, make an account and then make a post. They will restore your account the same way they have mine and countless others, it is a GLITCH, nothing more.
@aarque- That is where you are wrong! When I emailed TPB asking why I no longer have access to my account! There exact words to me were because you posted a torrent that did not exist and numerous people files complaints against it saying there was no actual seeding. I told people that I was having issues with my internet at the time so seeding would be slow. I guess people did not like that it was that slow and my account was gone the next day. TPB suggested to that I make a new one, but that they refused to open up the old one. No big loss really, but they are very strict on fake torrents and things like that if more than one person reports them. No needless to say, my torrent wasn't fake, just some obviously got mad that the seeding was slow, but case and point: TPB can close an account for that with no questions asked..... I do not care what the forums say, because the guidelines are very different.
@aarque- My point being here is not about my account but rather being able to post what you want and no one should tell you to remove it because he or she decided to move their own. The purpose of TPB is to share and get out your stuff. If your worried about copyright laws etc.. then don't post it and let others post it. That is what I was really trying to convey!
Clue me in, but is the so called 'protection' from orbx just a registry entry? If so, thats pretty lame.
@fade_away - as of now that is the only thing with Orbx stuff. It is pretty lame, but it is a 3rd rate scenery company so I would not expect to much from them in the ways of activation. But who knows! New technologies are coming out all the time... :) But then so are the crackers.
@fade_away - The product installer evidently looks for an order number, order date and reg key that the wrapper writes to the registry prior to unwrapping the product installer.

Some enterprising soul realized that the product installer doesn't /validate/ this info - it just checks for the presence of /any/ values, so long as they're in the correct location and of the correct type.

So while the wrapper wasn't defeated, the ftx installer itself has a gaping hole that was exploited via manually loading values into the registry.

End result is what we have here. :)
@Mutton- Thanks for better explaining it. :)
BTW, just speculating on the involvement of a wrapper -- I backed my way into the explanation based on the S. Alaska and Wales releases. I haven't purchased anything from ftx in the past year, so I really don't know what they've been up to in regards to software protection.
Am I the only one with very slow down speed?

It's less than 1kbps for me :(
@ Mutton

Your father should have wasted you in the washroom...

feel sorry for him...

And btw thanks for being a leecher all the time..
@Mutton - I lost all respect for when they went on that violent rage against their paying customers, me being one of them. I vowed from that day forward that I would not support them anymore for being such dicks. I asked a question and was told to buy the scenery and if I had questions to ask after I bought it... Really? Now I won't...LOL... Truthfully they have been getting sloppy in their scenery. I have noticed a lot of quality issues and that is because they are not taking the time to really test it out before they market it. I had the pleasure of flying around this and truth being told, I am disappointed with it. It almost makes me wonder if FTXGlobal will be any good. We shall see when it comes out. I have the Wales, but have not used that one yet, but the other England one sucked balls. I seen so much overlapping mesh in the scenery it was horrible. But like I said; you rush to get it out and lose valuable quality. But overall, compared to the basic scenery in FSX, this is 90% better.
I'm glad some of you guys know about this wrapper shit, I can't get the wrapper off my snickers bar let alone software, The wife has to do it for me.

I have a lot of scenery and like you maddog i left buying orbx stuff after they became twats However unlike you i really like their scenery and other than fly tampa i really rate their stuff. Their landclass stuff seems better than anything else i have flown in and if somone knows of stuff that's better please tell me cause i'll go get it.
@maddog7777 - Yeah, I hear ya, bro. I bought the NA series a year or two ago. Don't think much of the devs attitude. Since I use the product regularly, however, then regardless of how I feel about the creators, I had to purchase it. All told, I drop many hundreds of dollars a year on FSX products that I use consistently. It's the only way to keep the flow of new products and product updates/upgrades coming. I've been in the scene way too long to repeat the mistakes of the past. Primary among these being the death of products and even entire platforms, because there was no way for devs/mfgrs to recoup their costs. So, anyway, I try to do my part by following the mantra of the old-skool pirate - if you like it, buy it.

@kingashi - see above for how to truly give back to the community. BTW, last night, teary-eyed and begging for more, your mama asked me to tell you to "stop acting like a muschi". Your sisters agreed, saying that you should "grow a pair". As he was cleaning up the ladies with his tongue, your daddy chimed in with the comment, "It's time for my boy to pull up his big-boy panties"
Thank you very much!

Req: ORBX EGTR and Imagine Sim Charlotte X